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New Mail Notifier History

Version History

2.06 - 12/02/07
    Added: Support for Vista and Office 2007.
    Added: User can enter registration in the startup screen.

2.05 - 01/23/06
    Added: Corporate settings enhancements.
    Fixed: Messages in additionally monitored public folders dismiss upon display in some configurations.

2.04 - 01/16/06
    Fixed: Bug where Outlook 2003 couldn't monitor some Exchange Public folders.
    Fixed: Improved code so that NMN window doesn't steal focus.

2.03 - 09/28/03
    Fixed: Fully supports Outlook 2003 gold release.

2.02 - 09/04/03
    Changed: Improved auto-dismiss when 3rd party add-ins move e-mail feature. 
    Fixed: Bug where history buttons had a delay or could consume extra cpu time. 
    Fixed: Improved support for Ignored folders when using POP e-mail.

2.01 - 05/07/03
    Added: Outlook 2003 support.
    Added: Preview button.
    Added: Slide in effect.
    Added: User configurable slide-in and fade-in rates.
    Fixed: Bug where NMN would use 100% cpu after Outlook ran for a long time.
    Fixed: Installer bug where options were lost on upgrade install. (upgrading 2.0 to any version will have this problem, but upgrading 2.01 or greater to any version will save options.)

2.00 - 02/12/03
    Added: NMN window color is user configurable.
    Added: NMN window font is user configurable.
    Added: New icons.
    Added: Created a history back/forward viewer for emails.
    Added: Option to auto-dismiss when 3rd party spam apps move mail to folders.
    Added: Option to ignore email that is moved to user selectable folder.
    Added: Support for ignore emails or only notify email lists.
    Added: Support for user set form width/height.
    Added: User selectable additional inboxes.
    Added: Transparency for Windows 2000/XP.
    Added: Fade in/out for Windows 2000/XP.
    Added: Option to choose window position.
    Added: Option to set fixed window size.
    Added: Hotkey to dismiss NMN window.
    Added: Option to display messages for at least a configurable number of seconds.
    Added: Outlook XP additional options (Min Outlook to tray and hide Address Bar).
    Changed: Made all email fields optional.
    Changed: Removes carriage returns from end of message body.
    Changed: NMN preferences are now stored as part of the Outlook profile.
    Fixed: Bug where shown Outlook email doesn't always get brought to the top.

1.03b - 10/12/02
    Fixed: Bug where notifications didn't notify properly on non-english versions of Outlook.

1.03 - 09/20/02
    Fixed: Bug where New Mail Notifier window would steal the focus when it is displayed.
    Fixed: Bug where reports were not being displayed properly.

1.02 - 09/19/02
    Added: Option to display number of items in the Outlook Inbox and how many are unread.
    Changed: Updated quickstart guide and help file. Changed: Completely rewritten notification engine.
    Fixed: Some rules would cause NMN window not to display.
    Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

1.01 - 08/29/02
    Added: New option to mark deleted, replied, forwarded messages as having been read (also dismisses the Outlook envelope icon from the system tray.
    Added: New option to enable/disable notification of reports, which include read receipts and delivery receipts.
    Added: New Mail Notifier can now be enabled/disabled quickly in the options tab.
    Changed: No longer notifies if a message is added to the inbox but has never been sent.
    Fixed: Several bug fixes.

1.0 - 08/07/02
    Original public release!

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